Tuesday, May 31, 2005


After a very short flight (45 Mins) we were in Paris. However, it took us another 4 hours to collect our luggage and get to the campgroud. To add to our enjoyment we were greeted with rainy skies.

We checked into the campsite and set-up camp. Cam locked the bikes - still in their bike bags to the tree and we went to bed wondering whether we would float away with the water that was fast forming puddles from all the rain.


Monday in Paris. Well to be thruthful we didn't actually wake up until 11am. I know I know - what a waste of time. We got up and had showers. Interesting..... you press a button and pre heated water runs for around 10 seconds then turns off. I soon figured out that by holding the button down I could get a continuous flow of water.

After showering we went for a walk in search of food and money. Of course we ended up going the long way. We eventually found a bank and stocked up on Euros. We then stopped in at a fruit and veg store. I could not believe the quality of the food and it was sooooo cheap. A big punet of strawberries 1.50 and a big punet of raspberries 2.00.

We kept wondering the streets in search of coffee - by now it was close to 3pm and I was getting tired (hard to imagine after a big nights sleep) so we found a supermarket and stocked up on the essentials to keep us going for a while - you know things like Red Wine, Brie and chocloate. No seriously, we did buy some other stuff as well.

Again we were surprised by how cheap it was.

We decided to head back to the campground - truth be known - we didn't know where we were....

On the way back we walked through Parc de Bolougne past France Gallop - we finally found a coffee shop and we tried out our French. Bonsoir, duex cafe latter s'il vous plait - oh you would like 2 coffee with milk? Yes please. But hey, at least we tried.

I must admit - I didn't really like Paris or France for that matter until late this afternoon - all the people we encounted yesterday were rude and arrogant (typically french I suppose), however, they were really nice today and the sun was shinning.

Note to self - just because the light says to can cross the road or you are at a pedestrian crossing does not give you automatic right of way to cross the street.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bonjour!! Ca va? ;-)

So exciting to hear that your both at the start fof the bike journey! *jealous* Tara now has the pink bottle cages on, and I'm picking the Dahon up this Friday. New job is going well.. Been at training courses for the past two weeks...

Bon nuit!