Sunday, May 15, 2005

How to add a comment...

For those of you who wish to add a comment - you don't need to become a blog user. You can enter a comment - just make sure you check the anonymous button.


Anonymous said...

Hi Cam and Jay, We have read your posting Thank for keeping us up to date. This will allow us to enjoy your trip as you go.

Thanks Mum and Dad

Anonymous said...

Hi Jay & Cam, the pair of you must have horseshoes where the sun don't shine (lol). After dropping you two at the Airport on Wednesday the fuel pump went on the car. lol. So I had to call Karl to come rescue me. Had the car towed and repaired and back on the road Thursday afternoon. Point is luck is with you so you two should have a blast on this holiday.

Love (Ma) Linda

Anonymous said...

HI Ya C&J,
from Kez in OZ, so glad you are having a GREAT Time!!!

Loved reading all your stories!!

Been getting lots of rain in Canberra, & lots of snow to the south...

The bike shop is a bit quite, so I been having extra time off... lots of time to make maps for my GPS, fun fun fun...I have now made maps of the south coast & my local area...

hope the batter charger is still working, it was a bit of a punt, untested gear and all...

Good news is they have undone some of that nice work you have there will be that job you need when you come back...

+ I now own a small bike shop of tools, yes I spent money, to make my trade a real thing... I am very happy I have done it!!

Anyway, have some extra FUN for me...